1298 Search results

For the term "Delta Airlines 800-299-7264 Flight Changes Support Number".

PLNs & School Transformation

Although the authors of Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education favor transformation over more pragmatic ed reforms, reviewer Nicole Miller found this book about PLNs “informative, useful, and beneficial.”

Energize ELLs

The understanding she gained from Reaching English Language Learners in Every Classroom: Energizers for Teaching and Learning by Debbie Arechiga will help reviewer Mary Churchill better prepare her pre-service teachers to work with ELL students.

Turn Students into Sleuths

Wherever you are on your journey to improve text-based critical thinking & discussion, you’ll find a wealth of ideas & resources in Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives: Comprehending, Analyzing, and Discussing Text , says reviewer Joan Cansdale.