1298 Search results

For the term "Delta Airlines 800-299-7264 Flight Changes Support Number".

Teaching Kids to Succeed

Debbie Silver’s book, Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8: Teaching Kids to Succeed, is “an ideal blend” of theory, common sense, research & humor about effective ways to help students succeed, says reviewer Susie Highley.

Change in the Forecast

We must stand up for students even if it makes us unpopular, writes Becky Bair. She shares some lessons learned about pushing for change in your school.

A Festival of Book Reviews

Our Fall Book Review Festival features 15 brand-new reviews of professional books – each one written by and for middle grades educators – on teaching strategies, visual & media literacy, test preparation, the Common Core, academic icebreakers, RTI & special education, social studies, mathematics, teacher research, ESL students, and student motivation.

Essential Ideas for Math Success

Reviewer and math teacher Michelle Schwartze says the eight essential elements for school-wide math success identified by Chris Confer and Marco Ramirez in Small Steps, Big Changes: Eight Essential Practices for Transforming Schools Through Mathematics ring true.

21st Century Visual Literacy

Visual literacy is vital skill for iGeneration students, says reviewer Patricia Thomas-Jeanig. She recommends Steve Moline’s See What You Mean: Visual Literacy K-8 (2nd Edition) which explores many kinds of visual texts and includes great teaching ideas.

ESL Instruction That Works

Minding the Achievement Gap One Classroom at a Time by Jane E. Pollock, Sharon M. Ford and Margaret M. Black is a great resource for implementing Classroom Instruction That Works strategies for ESL/ELL students, says ESL teacher Julie Dermody.

Wounded by School: Broken, then Healing

Reviewer Lorie Shiveley agrees with many of Kristen Olson’s concerns about wounded students in Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture, but Shiveley says teachers get too much of the blame.

My No-Bunk Letter to Parents

Middle school teacher Marsha Ratzel wants parents to know exactly what their children can expect in her classroom: challenge, support and concern.