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Frameworks Jump-Start Your Students’ Writing

Students can become thriving writers using the 27 frameworks included in this book. The lessons provide learning about language, learning through language, and using language to learn about self. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton highly recommends the “so, so practical” book.

How We Can Help Our Students Remember Stuff

Few things are more frustrating for students (and their teachers) than having a concept or skill that has already been learned ‘leak’ out the brain and disappear. Curtis Chandler explains how those leaks happen and what teachers can do to counter them. Suggested apps and tools included!

Turn Your Class Library into a Cozy ‘Bookstore’

Responding to the current dust-up on leveling books, literacy consultant Patty McGee explores a few common questions about cultivating a responsive class library and shares some great ways to immerse your students in a “bookstore” experience, as both customers and staff!

Blending Grammar into Daily ELA Instruction

One of the most common concerns Sarah Tantillo hears from ELA teachers is “I want to teach grammar, but I’m not sure how to fit it in.” Her new MiddleWeb post explains a systematic approach that blends grammar into narrative reading and writing classes, day by day.