301 Search results

For the term "STEM".

STEM and STEAM — What’s the Difference?

Anne Jolly has had more inquiries from folk in the middle school arena on whether they should implement a STEM program or a STEAM program. She doesn’t think it’s an “Either-or.” She thinks it’s a “Both” with creativity and critical thinking sharing space.

Monitoring the Progress of School Initiatives

You may not be able to stem the tide of Shiny New Things coming your way, but using Woodson and Frakes’ book you will be able to show which reforms are making a difference in the lives of your students and which are just passing fads, writes teacher Alex Valencic.

Why I Marched for Science on Earth Day

In science educator Anne Jolly’s mind, protests on behalf of science-based policy making are not about partisanship but about protecting jobs and the economy, our children’s health and prosperity, and ultimately our planet. That’s why she joined the March for Science.

Here’s How to Help Girls Thrive in STEM Today

Now’s the time to empower middle grades girls with understanding of their own STEM skills, strengths, and potential. Anne Jolly recommends hands-on problem solving, teamwork, and critical thinking to pave the way for success in engineering, life sciences and more.