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Writer’s Workshop with Latino Mentor Texts

“Equal parts how-to and shopping list,” teacher Amy Estersohn says Ruth Culham’s Dream Wakers will help any middle grades ELA or social studies teacher add more Latino voices and mentor texts – especially in classrooms with a writer’s workshop teaching approach.

How to Reach & Teach Students with Autism

Barbara Boroson offers a useful, comprehensive, summative guide providing positive and proactive strategies to educators who are not familiar with or may not be comfortable yet working with students on the autism spectrum, says SpEd veteran Carrielynnn O”Reilly.

A Powerful Tool to Support Math Intervention

Weber, Crane and Hierck provide many charts, examples and resources that can be instantly adopted, adapted, or enhanced for a school or district RTI process in middle school math. Instructional coach and interventionist Kim Schneider offers her highest praise.

A 5-Tray Filing System Every Teacher Needs

Now that the blizzard of late semester papers has (probably) diminished, do you feel the need for a quick fix to your class organization regimen? Author/educator Roxanna Elden avoids excessive precision in structuring a practical 5-tray process to get you started.

BRAVO Principals Lead Through Relationships

BRAVO Principal, with its reflection questions and support exercises, is an effective resource for keeping school leaders centered on what matters most to promote the success of each of our students in our learning organizations, writes MS principal Dennis Schug.

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Classrooms

Barbara Boroson’s second edition is a valuable source of information and advice, written in everyday language. Although the book is intended for educators, teacher Linda Biondi also recommends it to parents who want to learn more about ASD and to advocate for their children.