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3 Vocabulary Strategies Help Decipher Unknown Words

Vocabulary knowledge is the heart of reading comprehension and academic achievement, says literacy consultant Brenda Overturf, “and it means way more than just learning words.” Students must have the tools to decipher unknown academic words. She shares three of the best.

A Comprehensive Guide to Peer Coaching

Pam Robbins’ Peer Coaching offers recent research, broad questions and discussions, and practical applications which coach Holly Foley believes can advance student achievement while supporting professional growth and contributing to positive school culture.

Can We Talk About Sustained Silent Reading?

ELA teacher Amber Chandler is in a quandary. She wants to give her students time each week to “read for enjoyment” but knows the research on Sustained Silent Reading reveals little impact on fluency. Can she bridge these muddied waters? All ideas welcomed!

Why Partnerships Can Energize Our Classrooms

In a dialogue with Kevin Hodgson, educator-authors Debbie Zacarian and Michael Silverstone share ways to energize teaching and learning by reaching out to students’ families and communities, all with the goal of building partnerships that help students become confident learners.

Propaganda Isn’t History – It’s Current Events

Most educators who teach propaganda use examples from the World Wars, says media literacy expert Frank Baker. “But propaganda is happening today—all around us.” Baker introduces a new resource that can help teachers and students exert their “minds over media.”

Beyond Tech: Learning into the Future

“Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World” by David Perkins zeroes in on curriculum, pursuing “lifeworthy” learning pursuits, fresh approaches to content and less preoccupation with technology. Principal Matt Renwick likes Perkins’ flexible outlook on the “what” of teaching.

How to Fill Your Class with Joyful Learning

Students experience deep, joyful learning in classrooms where there is an ongoing cycle of responsive teaching, says literacy expert Regie Routman. The ultimate goal is to grow passionate learners who self-monitor, self-direct, and set their own worthwhile goals.

Bring Word Nerdiness to the Middle Level

A multitude of authentic classroom examples and strategies make “Vocabularians” a must-have book, says ELA teacher and word nerd Amber Chandler. Author Brenda Overturf also provides realistic ways to bring schoolwide vocabulary immersion to the middle grades.

Unlock Learning by Improving Oral Fluency

Of all the ways educators can improve learning in their classrooms, “the Number 1 way is to strengthen students’ speaking and listening skills and habits,” writes teaching coach and literacy expert Sarah Tantillo. Oral fluency deepens understanding dramatically.

Reading Wellness for Students and Teachers

Reading Wellness makes teacher Linda Biondi want to “take a risk in teaching literacy, get out of my comfort zone, collaborate with my colleagues, and bring the joy of reading to all my students – and colleagues.” She expects others will feel the same.