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6 Tips to Boost Learning on Class Field Trips

Teacher educator Amanda Wall describes how she’s blended specific learning activities into class field trips and shares 6 tips to help teachers plan. “It’s certainly true that planning field trips can be challenging, detail-intensive and time-consuming,” she says, “but there is always a reward in student learning.”

Language Arts Fireworks!

In an era when imaginative exploration of language is missing from many ELA classrooms, Ralph Fletcher’s wonderful book, Pyrotechnics on the Page: Playful Craft that Sparks Writing, celebrates playful writing, says reviewer Kevin Hodgson.

Better Than Book Reports

Teachers will find creative alternatives to the traditional book report that tap into student interests and creative writing in Ban the Book Report: Promoting Frequent and Enthusiastic Reading, says reviewer Nicole Warchol.

Who Are You to Tell Me What to Do?

Four years after becoming an instructional coach, Elena Aguilar once again found herself in front of a class of 8th graders, looking for trusting relationships. “Within just five minutes, I was humbled. Who did I think I was that I could incur their trust that fast? I wanted to bow down to the teacher—Oh, yes, this is so hard.”