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Revisiting Pearl Harbor on December 7

As a collection of primary sources, My Pearl Harbor Scrapbook 1941 is truly a treasure trove, ranging from telegrams to WW II images. Reviewer Jody Passanisi, while noting its dense design and limited personal narration, recommends the book for all ages.

Rikki Tikki: How I Use a Touchstone Text

Rikki Tikki Tavi is the “touchstone text” Kevin Hodgson introduces to his 6th graders at school’s start. Kipling’s fast pace, focused conflict and resolution, use of foreshadowing and other literary techniques make it a perfect reference all year long.

Descriptive Writing: Just Right for Science Class

Narrative writing and figurative language are not just for English class anymore, says teacher-author Heather Wolpert-Gawron. “Narrative strategies infuse content with creativity and with an added layer of student personality that aids in ownership.” She shares a science example.

Giving Parents Accurate and Honest Assessments

With the fall marathon of parent-teacher conferences finally done, Mary Tarashuk logs onto the district portal to input student grades for the first marking period. And then she finds herself pausing to wonder what authentic assessment truly means – when we’re talking to the people who care most.

Using Toy Ads to Build Media Literacy Skills

Expert Frank W. Baker wants to convince teachers that toy advertisements are a great media literacy teaching tool. Video clips and colorful ‘print’ ads abound on the Internet and are sure to engage students. Baker provides some good discussion questions & lesson ideas to get started.

A Well-Lit Path to Better Writing Asssessment

Writing Pathways: Performance Assessments and Learning Progressions can help K-8 educators at the grade, school and district levels develop effective collaborative writing programs, says reviewer Linda Biondi. Teachers will find extensive resources to build student ownership of writing.

Are We Data-Driven If We Ignore Half the Data?

Principal Matt Renwick says our definition of data has to broaden substantially if we expect to paint a complete picture of student learning. Renwick describes how two middle grades teachers are using technology to help meet the qualitative assessment challenge.

PAIRing with Parents to Improve Student Learning

Want to improve relationships between families and school? Teachers benefit when learning is reinforced and supported from home. Consultant Barbara Blackburn has tips on how to PAIR with parents and avoid school-side mistakes that weaken engagement.