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Analogies Plus Tech Can Deepen Understanding

Adolescents constantly work to make sense of new information, often by referencing what they already know. Teachers can help by introducing analogies. Curtis Chandler shares tips and tech tools to help put analogies to work, including Metamia and Google Slides.

Paraphrasing Is Key to Deeper Comprehension

Paraphrasing is the first step on Sarah Tantillo’s “stairway” to deep reading comprehension and needs to be deliberately taught early in the school year. She shares a two-step process that can help students paraphrase strategically and offers a tool for student practice.

On the Very First Day (Be the Best You Can Be)

It’s the first day of school and your middle level students are acting like, well, adolescents. You’ve got to hook them quick, says teacher Elyse Scott. Forget the pre-tests and paperwork. Jump in and let them know how exciting your classroom universe is going to be.