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Literacy Learning Still Begins with Story

Katie Egan Cunningham stresses the importance of caring for our students’ stories even as we explore fiction and story-making with them. Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson highly recommends the book for its practical focus mixed with a philosophy beautifully expressed.

How to Make Genius Hour Happen

In The Genius Hour Guidebook Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi make the case for sharing Genius Hour with your students, explaining why it works and how to bring it alive for your classes. Educator Sandy Wisneski says the easy read is packed with resources.

Mastering Your To-Do List: The Magnificent 7

Frank Buck is back with Part Two in his series for school leaders on developing a digital productivity suite. Keeping up with plans on a digital calendar or a smartphone Notes app is frustrating. Buck outlines what a full featured task app needs to do and suggests a free option.

Will ESSA & STEM Make a Happy Marriage?

STEM expert Anne Jolly takes a close look at the many well-funded STEM components found in ESSA, the new federal education act, and urges educators to remain true to the project learning and engineering elements that characterize authentic STEM curriculum.

Help Students Energize Their Nonfiction Writing

Making Nonfiction from Scratch contains practical strategies, techniques, and case studies interspersed with anecdotal humor. Ralph Fletcher’s ideas will challenge and inspire teachers to leave their comfort zone and rethink the purpose and possibilities of nonfiction writing.