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STEM Girl Power

Blogger and science educator Anne Jolly is issuing a MiddleWeb Alert! Here are six things teachers in the middle grades can do to promote STEM Girl Power.

Banishing Boredom

Teacher librarian Lorri Kingan recommends Bryan Harris’s book, Battling Boredom – 99 Strategies to Spark Student Engagement, and its clever, simple-to-implement strategies to all teachers looking for ways to promote active student learning.

21st Century Visual Literacy

Visual literacy is vital skill for iGeneration students, says reviewer Patricia Thomas-Jeanig. She recommends Steve Moline’s See What You Mean: Visual Literacy K-8 (2nd Edition) which explores many kinds of visual texts and includes great teaching ideas.

ESL Instruction That Works

Minding the Achievement Gap One Classroom at a Time by Jane E. Pollock, Sharon M. Ford and Margaret M. Black is a great resource for implementing Classroom Instruction That Works strategies for ESL/ELL students, says ESL teacher Julie Dermody.

Stormy Weather Ahead

When 4th grade teacher Becky Bair & two teammates asked teachers to shuffle assignments on behalf of vulnerable students, stormy weather ensued.