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Using Conferences to Grow Mathematicians

Gina Picha’s book offers advice, examples and resources for brief math conferences that focus on listening and observing, naming students’ strengths, and encouraging them to share ideas. Fifth grade math teacher Kathie Palmieri finds it a practical, easy-to-implement guide.

What Works Better than Punishment in School

We all know “that” student who arrives late, avoids homework, ignores class. School psychologist Katelyn Oellerich shares why rote punishment doesn’t solve the problem or help students learn. Instead, she recommends, apply logical consequences that students will understand.

Meeting Objections in Your School Community

Responding to uncompromising resistance to change is always a challenge. Wise school leaders are inclusive in the planning stage, share information with everyone involved, and have a well-considered implementation plan. Williamson and Blackburn examine four kinds of objection.

You May Be Surprised About This PBIS Info

Having volunteered for her district’s PBIS Tier I committee, Dina Strasser looks into the current viability of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports with help from a new federally funded meta-study. She finds lots that hasn’t worked but also some potential.

Succeed with Students Who Need You Most

If you are teaching in a low-performing, high-poverty school, Eric Jensen’s Teaching with Poverty and Equity in Mind is a must read, writes Anne Anderson. Jensen begins with the process of teachers adopting an equity mindset and offers proven tools to support all students.

Lifting My Students Out of the Math Fact Fog

After reflecting on her students’ decline in fluently recalling math facts and the lapses in her teaching flow, Kathie Palmieri knew it was time to make changes. First up: involving students in uncovering the roadblocks and taking a week to try out their fog-lifting ideas.

5 Ideas to Add Comfort and Joy to Math Class

Middle grades math teacher Mona Iehl applies five of author Gholdy Muhammad’s strategies to unearth joy as her students experience the December classroom scramble. Mona suggests activities to help realize each strategy with your students. Try musical math and much more!

How Can We Create a Dynamic Classroom?

Serena Pariser and Victoria Lentfer answer teachers’ questions about how best to establish dynamic classrooms, offering practical ways to build routines, minimize off-task behaviors, and engage students in truly meaningful ways. A great resource, says NBCT Kathie Palmieri.

Add Comics and Graphic Novels to All Classes

Using engaging strategies and many examples, teacher Tim Smyth makes a convincing case for viewing comics and graphic novels as literacy tools, helping build reading and critical thinking skills. Kevin Hodgson is glad that Smyth also shows how kids can create their own comics.