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3 Tools to Help Develop the Talents in Every Kid

Rather than label just some kids talented, we need a new approach that serves all children, writes performance coach Lee Hancock. Among his strategies: embracing failure as progress, spending time in deep practice, and fostering in kids a love for their own special interests.

Try Café Conversations for Deeper Learning

Want a fun way to turn student talk into deeper learning? Teacher Kelly Owens serves up tips and resources for Café Conversations, showing how students’ need to talk can become on-task, productive, and reflective when they encounter this welcoming cross-curricular strategy.

Keys to Questioning for Formative Feedback

Questioning for Formative Feedback by Jackie Acree Walsh is full of insightful, thought provoking, and practical ways to infuse a classroom with formative questioning, encourage dialogue, and lead to deeper learning for students. A great professional learning adventure!

Community-Centered Instructional Coaching

Community-centered instructional coaching reflects the idea that we all deserve to feel competent, confident, and fulfilled in our daily work, writes Pam Koutrakos. Ongoing, job-embedded professional learning that capitalizes on the spirit of community yields more buy-in.

Building Relationships with Kids from Day One

By putting strong relationships at the fore, you can cultivate an environment in which each of your students can grow. Through her many years in the classroom Stephanie Farley has hit upon keys to encourage kids to thrive. At the center – kindness and getting to know each one.

How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward

In The Power of Regret, creativity and motivation author Dan Pink finds that regrets can make us stronger and more effective in our work. Professional learning consultant Cathy Gassenheimer encourages educators to consider how Pink’s four types of regrets relate to our lives.

Help Students Discover Their Writer’s Mindset

Chris Hall wasn’t satisfied with the way he taught revision in MS writing workshop. After much reflection he’s concluded that the best revision takes place in the mind of the writer during the writing process – not after it’s done. Six mindset ‘stances’ help students learn this skill.

Six Ways to Add Rigor by Deepening Thinking

What does it look like when your students are doing rigorous work and thinking deeply? Dr. Karin Hess discusses how content complexity, cognitive engagement, and the intended scope and depth of a learning activity can work together to scaffold and support deeper thinking.