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Experimenting with Math Testing in Groups

Michelle Russell’s first try at giving a group math test – with students self selecting into groups of four – will add a new tool to her practice. She reports on how her students responded, what they achieved, and how she and the students evaluated the experience.

How We Can Fix Faulty Background Knowledge

Good teachers ‘stir the pot’ to activate student background knowledge before a new lesson. But what if student understandings are flawed? Teacher educator Curtis Chandler has research-based tips to help detect and fix the faults. Plus some tech tools that can add fun to the process.

Integrating Multiple Nonfiction Texts

Nurturing Informed Thinking is filled with practical and inspiring ideas to help students integrate multiple texts about a nonfiction topic. Both content area and ELA teachers will find this book a valuable resource, writes middle school educator Mary K. Marsh.

75 Ways to Be a Better Teacher Tomorrow

Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker’s concise, tips-packed book is a quick read with strategies that can easily be implemented tomorrow, says teacher leader Laura Von Staden. Among her favorites: “Leave One Compliment a Day” and “Ask Yourself Five Questions.”

A Caring Principal’s Tips for Lawnmower Parents

Lawnmower parents have an irresistible urge to clear away all the stress and struggle for their children. The result, says principal and NBCT Rita Platt, can be kids who don’t learn to mow their own paths. Read her tips for parents, educators, and the kiddos themselves.