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Middle Grades Kids Need Field Trips

Field trips don’t have to be elaborate, says school leader Mike Janatovich, but they are important for young adolescents who are still making connections between academic content and the real world. He shares ideas and tips to plan an outing this fall.

Tie TV Advertising to Media Literacy Lessons

Knowing how television programming is funded can help students understand what is available to view. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker links to sources of advertising data and suggests activities to build student savvy about the genres that fill their screens.

Can We Talk About Sustained Silent Reading?

ELA teacher Amber Chandler is in a quandary. She wants to give her students time each week to “read for enjoyment” but knows the research on Sustained Silent Reading reveals little impact on fluency. Can she bridge these muddied waters? All ideas welcomed!

How Expert Principals Make Tough Decisions

Dionne V. McLaughlin’s process of continually directing the reader through the decision making process with guidance from 21 expert principals is what makes this book a useful tool for any novice or aspiring principal, says assistant principal Bret Olson.

Propaganda Isn’t History – It’s Current Events

Most educators who teach propaganda use examples from the World Wars, says media literacy expert Frank Baker. “But propaganda is happening today—all around us.” Baker introduces a new resource that can help teachers and students exert their “minds over media.”