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Use PBL to Role-Play in the Real World

We always hear about the “real world” vs. the world in school. Project Based Learning helps to break down that barrier and better merges the two. It’s also undeniably engaging and lures kids into rigorous learning, as in Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s “Invention Unit.”

Repairing Student and Co-Worker Relationships

Educators are going to make mistakes, write Todd Whitaker and teacher-daughters Madeline and Katherine. Whether it’s a misstep with students, friction with a colleague, or a faux pas with admin, quickly admitting faults is part of being a classroom professional.

5 Coaching Tips Help Schools Get Organized

Even well-organized leaders have trouble keeping schools running smoothly when team members fail to adequately manage busy schedules or make poor choices about priorities. Expert Maia Heyck-Merlin recommends five coaching techniques that can turn things around.

What We Risk When We Jump to Conclusions

Troublemakers. Forgetters. The Clingers. The Confused. Barbara Blackburn looks at how we often jump to conclusions and miss chances to build trust, explore the needs behind the behaviors, and help students grow. Once we jump, she warns, it’s hard to jump back.

Card Sorts Can Promote Meaningful Math Talk

Math teachers looking for ways to promote deeper student “math talk” might consider team card sorting, says Michelle Russell, author of MiddleWeb’s new “Meaningful Math” blog. Among her tips: resist jumping in to help – and always have a culminating activity.

Why Becoming an NBCT May Be Right for You

NBCT Amber Chandler looks at three factors that might be holding teachers back from pursuing National Board Certification – finding time, covering the cost, or “already being a good teacher” – and offers her reasons why you should move beyond all three obstacles.

12 Daily Touchstones Can Improve Our Teaching

Bryan Goodwin & Elizabeth Ross Hubbell make a compelling argument that teachers can improve their impact on student learning by using a “do-confirm” checklist based on 12 essential daily touchstones that represent current research on what works best. Pilots do!