220 Search results

For the term "White".

“The Together Leader” Gets a Real Road Test

Veteran principal Matt Renwick discovers it’s not too late to become a more organized and effective school leader as he gives the step-by-step advice in Maia Heyck-Merlin’s “The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success and Sanity!” a real road test.

Black History: The Visions of Gordon Parks

Media literacy expert Frank Baker offers a fresh idea for Black History Month – exploring the life, career and creativity of photographer, writer and director Gordon Parks, whose powerful images from the Segregation Era serve as iconic primary sources.

Watching My Students Watch the Inauguration

After much discussion, Kevin Hodgson and his colleagues decided to have students watch the Inaugural Address and then respond to it. The 6th graders used sketchnoting to listen, then discussed their observations in the context of earlier studies about civic issues.

How Big Media Shapes the News Students See

As news organizations are increasingly folded into fewer and fewer media conglomerates, writes media literacy expert Frank Baker, their independence is left in doubt. He urges teachers to involve students in studies of “Big Media” as part of their civic education.

Writing: How We Can Achieve a State of Flow

Writing flow, says author and principal Matt Renwick, is achieved through the habits one builds by regularly participating in the experience. He offers suggestions on how teacher and student writers can establish writing rhythms and find flow in their craft.