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For the term "where can i find cheap airline tickets to europe phone number 1-800-299-7264".

Kids Need Us to Keep These 25 Promises

What promises do we need to make (and keep) so that our students will truly believe they belong in our classrooms and will be safe and cared for there? Middle grades leaders Laurie Barron and Patti Kinney break down the 25 promises they feel have the most impact.

A Teacher’s Journey: ‘Student, Grade Thyself’

For much of her career, middle level teacher Stephanie Farley felt confounded when students “told me they didn’t understand where their grades came from.” Then her principal set her on a path of discovery that’s led to competency based learning and students eagerly self-grading.

Preparing to Welcome Ukrainian Students

As Ukrainian children flee Russia’s attacks, many will come to the USA, writes EL/ML teacher Dina Strasser. What do we need to know to welcome them? Here is Dina’s suggested reading list, from understanding the war and Ukrainian culture to learning how to help traumatized students.

How Leaders Can Cope With the Unexpected

School leaders often find themselves coping with unexpected events that create turbulence and uncertainty. During the pandemic, these challenges have expanded and intensified. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share six researched steps to help leaders respond effectively.

An Illustrated ABC of Inquiry-Based Teaching

I Is for Inquiry presents a diverse repertoire of concepts to help teachers be intentional about embedding inquiry-based teaching and learning strategies into their lessons and supporting K-12 students in embracing a learning mindset, writes Michael McLaughlin.

Using Google Sheets to Track Student Data

Using Google Sheets is an efficient way to keep track of student data and meet other progress monitoring needs, writes NBCT Kathleen Palmieri. Once the initial set up is completed, you’ll find many uses for this quick data check that justify your time investment. Here’s how!