735 Search results

For the term "www.hdwgs.fun".

Lifting My Students Out of the Math Fact Fog

After reflecting on her students’ decline in fluently recalling math facts and the lapses in her teaching flow, Kathie Palmieri knew it was time to make changes. First up: involving students in uncovering the roadblocks and taking a week to try out their fog-lifting ideas.

What Does an Assistant Principal Do Again?

To make sure that kids, teachers, and families have what they need to be successful and joyful, Stephanie Farley details how assistant principals can show up, listen deeply, and chill out. To start, spend time with students during lunch and find ways to do some teaching.

5 Ideas to Add Comfort and Joy to Math Class

Middle grades math teacher Mona Iehl applies five of author Gholdy Muhammad’s strategies to unearth joy as her students experience the December classroom scramble. Mona suggests activities to help realize each strategy with your students. Try musical math and much more!

How Can We Create a Dynamic Classroom?

Serena Pariser and Victoria Lentfer answer teachers’ questions about how best to establish dynamic classrooms, offering practical ways to build routines, minimize off-task behaviors, and engage students in truly meaningful ways. A great resource, says NBCT Kathie Palmieri.

Add Comics and Graphic Novels to All Classes

Using engaging strategies and many examples, teacher Tim Smyth makes a convincing case for viewing comics and graphic novels as literacy tools, helping build reading and critical thinking skills. Kevin Hodgson is glad that Smyth also shows how kids can create their own comics.

Bring Language Patterns Alive for Young Writers

Patterns of Power for grades 6 – 8 is a teacher-friendly, easy-to-navigate book that uses the invitation process to help students move beyond the traditional study of grammar so they can appreciate the patterns of language and conventions, writes consultant Anne Anderson.