220 Search results

For the term "White".

Make This the Year You Launch Genius Hour

For teachers who have considered implementing a Genius Hour program but haven’t quite made it to launch, passion-based learning experts and #geniushour chat leaders Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs have organized a wealth of tips and resources to get you started.

Campaign Advertising: The Image Is Everything

If there is one thing that will influence voters more than anything else during Campaign 2016, it is the image. More than ever, what the voters see, not what they hear, has become paramount in getting elected. Frank Baker shares ad techniques students need to know.

Media Literacy: Middle School Kids Love Parody

Adolescents have a strong attraction to parody, says media literacy expert Frank Baker. Luckily the Common Core includes parody as a genre worthy of study. Baker shares resources and ideas to involve middle graders in some fun as they learn important skills.

Principals: Teaming with Families & Community

Involving parents and families in a partnership with schools has a positive impact on students. What can principals do to ensure the partnership is sustained, vibrant and diverse? Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn suggest strategies to build connections.