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5 Tips to Welcome and Engage Our Newcomers

Writing from her background in working with students who were born outside of the U.S and are new to the country, the language, the culture, and the school system, Dr. Stephanie Dewing shares five tips to engage these newcomers. Included: assets-based language development.

Pairing Graphic Novels with Their Text Originals

What might students learn about the “invisible process” of reading prose fiction by a comparative study of a novel and its graphic novel counterpart? Jason DeHart promises high interest and aha moments as readers see the story not only with their minds but with their eyes.

Leadership Tips for Summer Collaboration

Summer is not only a chance to relax and recharge but a great time to collaborate with colleagues, writes consultant Elisa B. MacDonald. Whether you are leading a retreat or planning with grade-level teammates, keep these four intentions at the center of your facilitation.

Opening the Doors to Girls’ STEM Success

We have a severe shortage of tech workers that’s growing geometrically. Today, women make up just 27% of people in STEM careers. How do we finally get girls fully engaged in STEM? Anne Jolly shares a series of questions and tips that can guide STEM teachers and school leaders.

Sustaining a Leadership Mindset in the AP Role

Where can assistant principals turn when they need to find encouragement and renewal in one of education’s toughest jobs? Veteran AP DeAnna Miller has found ways to strengthen her confidence and optimism as a leader through online communities and authors like Baruti Kafele.

Make This Your Summer to Reflect and Envision!

The best tool in your classroom is YOU, the teacher. You’re the listener, questioner, connector. With summer at hand, math teacher Mona Iehl shares ways to prep yourself for next year. Relax, yes. Then reflect on what you’ve learned and envision a few manageable new approaches.