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Hands-On Math Helps Keep Students Engaged

Whether your school year ends in May or you teach into the hot days of June, student engagement begins to fade. How do we liven things up? For math class, NBCT Kathie Palmieri recommends a pair of hands-on geometry activities that sparked curiosity and excitement as summer beckons.

The Best Performance Based Assessment Ever

With finals fast approaching, Stephanie Farley created a summative assessment experience to encourage every student to demonstrate their mastery of the learning targets as well as be acknowledged and appreciated for their contributions. The exam period “dinner party” was a hit.

The Pathways to Literacy Are Entwined Around Us

ELA teacher Dr. Jason DeHart makes the argument that “literacy” today is not something that can only be accessed through an elusive set of text-based standards and practices but instead a state that can be achieved using a wide range of readily available media modalities.

A Phony War: Phonics and Balanced Literacy

Dina Strasser recommends ditching the reading wars that are distracting educators across America. Tracking the changing theories and practices of recent decades, she concludes that phonics, the science of reading, and balanced literacy can work together to benefit students.

Leadership Traits That Engage and Transform

School leaders and leaders-to-be will find a rich resource in Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey’s Leader Credibility. The authors and their co-authors use research, anecdotes and their own experiences to help readers engage, inspire and transform their schools, writes Jeny Randall.

The Principal’s Role in Supporting New Tech

As society experiences increasing complexity, educators and education struggle to keep up. Principal Matt Renwick takes a look at AI/ChatGPT challenges and shares a process school leaders can use to support teachers’ use of new technology. Don’t miss the template he includes.

250 Boredom-Proof Writing Prompts. Fun!

In Unjournaling by Dawn DiPrince and Cheryl Thurston, students will find the book’s 250 prompts interesting and challenging, and teachers will appreciate the flexibility and variety this second edition brings to class. Everyone will have fun too, promises Anne Anderson.

8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow’s Schools Now

Learning Transformed offers a still timely blueprint of practical ideas to reinvent schools so all students receive a useful education, all teachers are treated as professionals, and all families and community members are welcome and value the role schools play, says teacher Theresa Wood.