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Learning by Looking Closely at the Natural World

In To Look Closely: Science and Literacy in the Natural World, Laurie Rubin draws you into her students’ excitement as they explore sun-lit spaces outside their classroom and participate in scientific observation, journaling, poetry and discussion.

Teen Life Today: It Sure Is Complicated

In her book about the social life of networked teens, Internet scholar danah boyd “issues a call to all of us who are adults to take more time to understand the shifts now taking place,” 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson writes. The guidance role of teachers & parents “has never been more important, nor more complicated.”

How I Fell in Love with Close Reading

Falling in Love with Close Reading by Lehman & Roberts has cured the close reading fatigue of reading coach Katie Gordon. “I’m learning about the invisible processes I use as a reader so I can reveal them to students for whom they are not automatic.”

Taking the Struggle Out of Group Work

Most history teachers know the value of collaborative projects, but students often struggle over who does the work. Our bloggers Jody & Shara offer some ideas about turning groups into teams and getting each student to carry a fair share of the load.

Can Technology Help with Group Reading?

Former middle grades teacher Daniel Fountenberry says his experiences struggling to organize group reading sessions among students with varied reading skills led him to develop adaptive technology that tailors the “same” book to different readers.