498 Search results

For the term "소가죽지갑관리ᗗ 【ㅋr톡T3333】【명품다이소】【텔레그렘검색】 devotioncontinuous ᑸ〕learning 소가죽지갑관리⑶".

How Your Students Can Create TED-Style Talks

Lauren Buell’s 8th grade ELA team works with students on a comprehensive unit that helps all participants develop speaking, listening, writing, reading and life skills as they prepare end-of-year TED-style talks. She shares the unit’s impact once students enter high school.

Filling Your Classroom with Deliberate Optimism

Given the challenges educators are facing today, Silver and Berckemeyer’s new edition of Deliberate Optimism could not be more timely. Kathie Palmieri finds lots to like, including a new focus on mental health, Silver’s humor, and the message that teachers “have to take our power back.”

How to Be Strategic with Scaffolding Strategies

Scaffolding strategies need to be used strategically, writes depth of knowledge expert Dr. Karin Hess. A strategy intended to support executive functioning or language development may not be effective for deepening content knowledge and thinking. See her tips and tools.

Teaching Stunts Offer Choice, Challenge, Play

Recounting her visit from a grandfatherly apparition grabbed the attention of Stephanie Farley’s students and launched a study of storytelling. Putting “stunt teaching” into action – sometimes with colleagues – builds engagement and opens the door to choice, challenge and play.

New Teacher Mentoring: Ready for a Work Mom?

Any teacher has vivid memories of their first classroom – some recalled with pride and others with regret. Advice from a caring “work mom” can make all the difference. Veteran mentor Amber Chandler shares how she helps novices through the year with frankness and encouragement.

Designing Our Lessons To Be Feedback-Driven

Lesson design differs from lesson planning, says this teacher/coach/consultant team. While both are essential, design is a creative process that makes sure we consider the learning needs of both students and teachers. Included: design template; questioning and feedback charts.

Genius Hour Can Ignite Innovation and Inquiry

Andi McNair’s Genius Hour (2nd Ed) guides educators across grade levels and content areas in developing student Passion Projects start to finish. Reviewer Stephanie Choate gives high marks to the book’s 6-point strategy: passion, plan, pitch, project, product, and presentation.

Starting a Writing Club Outside the Classsroom

Want to start a writing club to reach beyond curriculum boundaries and provide a comfortable, social experience for all writers? Sharon Ratliff did just that and shares what worked for students as they took the lead in setting it up and now meet regularly across grade levels.

4 Books Worth the Time of New School Leaders

“I read professional books like movie critics watch films: with a critical lens and respect for my time,” writes veteran principal Matt Renwick. “If I am going to dedicate hours to a text that is supposed to help me improve as an educational leader, it needs to deliver.”