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Can Genius Hour Help Improve the World?

Education isn’t about what the teacher does, it’s about what the child learns, write Genius Hour innovators Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi. Learning happens in every subject when students have a purpose and are given autonomy and time. And their learning can benefit the world.

Picture Books Are Perfect for Middle Schoolers

Students at ages 9-13 still want to hear their teachers read aloud, want to sit on the rug, want to engage in stories. Jennifer Sniadecki and Jason DeHart share evidence that picture books are also an effective way to teach figurative language and other ELA standards.

Media Literacy: Video As Primary Source

Video documentation is a powerful tool in news reporting, whether it’s done by professional journalists or by ordinary people with instant access to video cameras. Frank Baker looks at the history of news video as a “primary source” for historians and middle grades teachers.

Tiered Activities Make Math More Inclusive

To support math students’ different levels of progress learning methods, talents, and interests, Bobson Wong and Larisa Bukalov fit tiered lessons into the familiar framework of whole-group introductory discussion, guided practice, and whole-group summary. See how it works!

Rethinking Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms

As a future educator with the dream of having an inclusive classroom for ALL students, Esther Vences found Your Students, My Students, Our Students an essential tool for reimagining schools by implementing the authors’ five recommended disruptions to the status quo.

Designing Classrooms for Flexible Learning

The limitations of funding, square footage, and time can make classroom design a daunting task, writes reviewer Eileen Hornbostel. To meet those challenges, Jessica Martin offers Strategic Classroom Design, a detailed guide to creating effective learning environments.