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How to Be a Proactive School Leader This Year

Consultants Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn counsel that dealing with change promptly, engaging actively in social media, and achieving work-life balance are central tasks that will help school leaders not only survive but also thrive as they run this year’s marathon.

Back in Class: What to Change, What to Keep?

In this unprecedented school year, as teachers and school leaders set goals and decide what to keep and what to change, Lynne Dorfman and Aileen Hower argue that “it is social-emotional learning – not academics – that should be the focus for the first month of school.”

Every Teacher Makes a Difference – Every Day

It’s the start of a new school year, and you’re 100% excited about making a difference for kids! But issues in and out of the classroom can dull your enthusiasm in no time. How do you stay sharp? Barbara Blackburn shares insights to sustain your can-do energy all year long.

Plan Now to Respond to Trauma in Schools

Stephanie Filio’s Responding to Student Trauma: A Toolkit for Schools in Times of Crisis provides a well-developed framework for school personnel to handle four sources of trauma. AP Virginia Hornberger notes it is a good starting point to develop a crisis plan of action.

5 Civic Education Steps to Preserve Democracy

If we do not invest more of our school time and resources in creating well educated citizens, there will be dire consequences. Educators Shawn McCusker and Tom Driscoll offer educators five steps to make civic education more meaningful and help contribute to a healthy democracy.

A Deep Dive into How Learning Works

In How Learning Works: A Playbook education researchers John Almarode, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey offer teaching and learning strategies that can help students grow into independent learners. Education consultant Anne Anderson shares some highlights from her deep dive.