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Students Need Our Help Detecting Fake News

Given social media’s popularity as a news source, consultant Frank Baker says students must gain both the knowledge and the analytical skills to distinguish fact from fiction. Baker highlights the pervasive rise of fake news and shares teaching resources.

Effective Principals Must Listen, Learn & Lead

Russell Quaglia advocates for “principal voice” using a creative Three L’s framework, surfacing our awareness of things that we know are good leadership practices. Former principal Rick Jetter finds Quaglia’s tips and take-aways thoughtful and easy to implement.

How I Became a Better Teacher in Macedonia

During her 27 months teaching English in a Macedonian village school, Peace Corps volunteer Jordan Lucas learned a lot about the relationship between culture and learning – insights that will help her be a better language educator. It all began with a kombi ride.

A Leader’s Guide to Formative Assessment

The authors’ step-by-step formative assessment approach, along with a wealth of detailed resources, gives teachers and administrators the tools to implement a system of shared assessments with the power to transform a school. Erik Kreutner has just one reservation.

Ideas to Improve Students’ Science Literacy

Help students build scientific literacy with the research-based strategies developed by Jennifer Altieri in her book Reading Science. Science teacher Joyce Depenbusch finds the ideas for vocabulary instruction and cross-curricular projects especially helpful.

The Art and Practice of Coaching Teams

Elena Aguilar’s “The Art of Coaching Teams ” is a practical resource full of proactive thinking gleaned from 20 years as a teacher and coach, says instructional specialist Deserie Bradvica. For those ready to lead teams with “a focus on trust, clarity and purpose.”