354 Search results

For the term "Language Arts Resources".

Use Digital Portfolios to Showcase Student Work

In Digital Portfolios in the Classroom, personal anecdotes, discussions of technological tools, and interviews with educators who use a portfolio system provide a multifaceted picture of the benefits and possibilities of this student-centered approach to assessment.

Don’t Throw Out Your Leveled Library Yet!

Practical teachers concerned with helping kids move forward as readers know that giving them access to engaging texts at their approximate level is an important strategy, says school librarian Rita Platt. Read her arguments for avoiding an either-or approach to leveling.

An Outstanding Resource for Teaching Gifted Kids

Whether you teach in a gifted education classroom or have gifted students in your general classroom, you will find Teaching Gifted Children a thorough treatment of established practice and current trends in working with high-ability learners, says educator Linda Biondi.

Help Every Child Identify As a Passionate Reader

Teachers will want to keep Pernille Ripp’s Passionate Readers as a “forever resource,” says former reading teacher Mary Langer Thompson. This practical book, full of bold ideas and ready-made resources, centers on helping students become life-long lovers of reading.

Teach Students to Write for Real-Life Contexts

Today’s students have to learn to shift their writing styles to meet different real-life purposes, says ELA teacher-author Jeremy Hyler. Teachers should understand the different contexts (school, work, and personal) and help students learn to “code switch” as needed.

Our 2018 Winter Book Review Festival

Looking for books that might inspire or help you grow as an educator? Perhaps you’ll find one in this winter reading collection, chosen from among our 2017 MiddleWeb book reviews. We’ve included content area titles, teaching strategies, leadership tips, and more.

Use Maps & Mapmaking in Your ELA Classroom

Maps and mapmaking can help bring visual “connector points” to ELA lessons, says teacher Kevin Hodgson, serving as writing prompts, aids in teaching novels, reflection/assessment tools, and more. Learn some of the ways he uses both digital and hand-drawn maps in class.