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Teach Design Thinking to Middle Schoolers

Looking for a way to incorporate creativity into your curriculum next school year? You may want to consider teaching students about design thinking. Teacher educator Katie Caprino and her preservice colleague Alyssa Marzili introduce the concepts and highlight 3 useful apps.

Lead Like a COACH on Your Instructional Walks

Any educator who leads in schools will find principal Matt Renwick’s Leading like a C.O.A.C.H. grounded in real boots-on-the-ground work and loaded with opportunities to reflect on and improve leadership practices. Instructional Walks are key, writes school leader Rita Platt.

How We Can Address Inequities Students Face

To address the variables and obstacles that hinder equal education for all students, school leader DeAnna Miller recommends Teaching for Racial Equity: Becoming Interrupters by Perry, Zemelman and Smith as a tool to support critical conversations in schools and communities.

Help Students Become Super Summer Readers

Literacy mavens Brenda Krupp, Lynne Dorfman and Aileen Hower are more than excited about the possibilities of summer reading this year. Check out their many ideas for choice-based summer programs, including book swaps, virtual author visits, online clubs and more. Plan now!

A Mental Health Crisis Among Our Adolescents

Some students may not have school work high on their priority list after two years of watching their normal adolescent world fall apart. Right now they may be focused on surviving, writes school psychologist Katelyn Oellerich. “We need to be focused on helping them do that.”

27 Tips to Boost Kids’ Reading This Summer

To help kids capture the benefits of summer reading, ELA educator Kasey Short shares what you can do before summer break begins: communicate with families, motivate readers, provide book choices, increase access to books, and link students to public library summer programs.

Inheritance Boxes Help Kids Share Knowledge

In Katie Durkin’s ELA classroom, seventh graders pass along what they’ve learned to future classes via this Inheritance Box project, part of a literacy plus history unit that also teaches collaboration and promotes student choice. Katie takes us through it step by step.