190 Search results

For the term "visual literacy".

Engage and Motivate by Satisfying Student Needs

Kelly Owens suggests ways to promote more engagement and motivation in class by using a HEAD, HEART, HANDS lens. She includes her team’s strategies for creating a student-centric learning environment, increasing opportunities for self-reflection, and decluttering the classroom.

Five Lesson Plan Tweaks That Will Boost Engagement

How is teaching like marketing? In student-centered classrooms, relatable lessons motivate students because they connect and have emotional appeal, writes teacher and former marketer Kelly Owens. In turn, engagement leads to purposeful work, supporting more on-task behaviors.

Moving Past Old-School Definitions of Literacy

“I want to recognize that my students are, in fact, highly literate human beings whose understanding of literacy has been shaped by an age of screens and digital interactions,” writes ELA teacher Jason DeHart. The question becomes, how do we change to meet them where they are?

5 Tips to Welcome and Engage Our Newcomers

Writing from her background in working with students who were born outside of the U.S and are new to the country, the language, the culture, and the school system, Dr. Stephanie Dewing shares five tips to engage these newcomers. Included: assets-based language development.

Pairing Graphic Novels with Their Text Originals

What might students learn about the “invisible process” of reading prose fiction by a comparative study of a novel and its graphic novel counterpart? Jason DeHart promises high interest and aha moments as readers see the story not only with their minds but with their eyes.

5 Ways to Be Sure That Lessons Stick in Memory

What makes our lessons memorable? Looking into semantic, episodic, emotional, procedural and automatic memory, teaching consultant Marilee Sprenger shares ways to engage students’ long-term storage systems so that memories take hold. Start with visuals and play based learning!

The Pathways to Literacy Are Entwined Around Us

ELA teacher Dr. Jason DeHart makes the argument that “literacy” today is not something that can only be accessed through an elusive set of text-based standards and practices but instead a state that can be achieved using a wide range of readily available media modalities.

Invite Your Students to Peel Some Poems

Ramp up poetry positivity with the Peel the Fruit activity from Project Zero. Throughout the year NBCT Kathie Palmieri helps her fifth graders uncover layers of poetry understanding and then invites them to write their own. Their current favorite: the Intimate Object Poem.