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For the term "Какому из видов пожарной техники относится автомобиль порошкового тушения детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

Prep Your Students Now for STEM Summer Fun

The final bell of the year will soon ring, but teachers still have the opportunity to provide students with encouragement, tools, and an expectation to play, explore, and discover the world outside school. Curtis Chandler’s post overflows with STEM resources to do just that.

How Laughter Can Lead to Better Learning

What if students could find a way to overcome their fear of speaking, learn storytelling, and become more confident public speakers? Teaching these skills to middle graders using stand up comedy can lay the groundwork for greater success, writes actor-educator Kevin Flynn.

Plan Now for STEM Learning Next Year

Take time now to do some preliminary thinking about next year’s STEM lessons. Gather feedback from your students before they sign out for summer, suggests STEM expert Anne Jolly, and also consider four key areas that often get short shrift during STEM curriculum planning.

Creating Classrooms That Teach the Whole Kid

Respectful, fruitful collaboration among students is not “nice” for kids to master before they make their own way in the world – it is absolutely necessary. It’s especially needed when problems arise. Dina Strasser suggests co-creating norms that serve the whole child.

To Learn about Respect, 4T Kids Pay It Forward

“My learners are young and impressionable,” writes grade 4 teacher Mary Tarashuk. “Teaching them true respect, for themselves and for others, just might get us on the path to improving some bigger problems we see around us.” Learn how Room 4T’s Pay It Forward project supports that goal.

Getting Test Ready? Try Some Retrieval Practice

Memory research leads us to an important insight: not only do we have to help students store information, they also need to be able to retrieve it. Expert Marilee Sprenger shares 13 rehearsal and retrieval practices to make learning stick. Re-reading isn’t one of them.

Manage Your Time or Time Will Manage You

Once readers assess their time management issues, they can try PJ Caposey’s easy-to-implement suggestions to overcome such practices as being tech avoidant, disorganized, checklist dependent or a “people pleaser.” Consultant Anne Anderson likes the book’s education focus.

10 Genius Picture Books for Genius Hour Kids

Picture books make for great hooks at the beginning of lessons – capturing our attention and get us curious for the learning to come. They can also be perfect tools for introducing Genius Hour concepts. GH evangelists Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs choose 10 favorites.