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Celebrate Poetry Month with 5 Fun Activities

Teaching poetry can give students a sense of connection, collaboration, and creativity as they express themselves and read the expressions of others. During National Poetry Month, teacher-author Marilyn Pryle shares fun activities from her classroom that touch on all three.

Planting the Seeds of Reading Enthusiasm

To encourage her seventh graders’ reading, Katie Durkin finds herself constantly searching for new ways to keep books in the hands of students. She shares four sustainable practices she uses throughout the school year to plant the seeds of reading with her students.

Boost Literacy Learning with Podcasts Kids Love

Similar to the benefits of class read-alouds and independent reading, podcasts can be incorporated as a way to increase students’ understanding of stories and information, with kids often making “text to self” connections. Kathie Palmieri includes sources and favorites.

Deep Learning Strategies for Online Math Classes

Pandemic teaching has led grades 5/6 math teacher Mona Iehl to adapt proven practices from her regular classroom for her virtual teaching. Using the Nearpod app, she prioritizes community building and discussion while simplifying lesson designs. Her video shows her strategies in action!

Roadside Assistance from the District Office

As school leaders navigate challenging times, roadside assistance from higher-ups can be invaluable. Award-winning middle school principal Jessica Cabeen shares five practices she’s developed to make sure the paths of communication and support stay open now and in the future.

Daily Silent Reading in Hybrid Classrooms

For five years Marilyn Pryle has begun every class with 10 minutes of choice reading, inside a Book Club model. Would in work in a hybrid classroom? Yes! Her experience this year “reinforces the truths I already know.” Students want to read. Escaping into a story feels good.

Here’s How I Created a Virtual Class Library

Borrowing books from class and school libraries is less common during the pandemic. Kathie Palmieri encourages her students to read using a Bitmoji Virtual Classroom Library, Virtual Book Tasting Rooms, Flipgrid, and Mentimeter. How-to tips and book sources included!