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For the term "T Race Toto{WWW,RT33,TOP}kódb77}cd tondela🚟Tunézia fogadásŹwinjoy hold'em̊Baccarat játékszabályok㍡New Balance Maraton🧆Socasinoηmint a Roma foci❾Foci Toto döntetlen/vereség ütemezés eredménye🔥.kkj/".

A Quick, Easy Way to Create Class Tutorials

Middle grades teacher Kathleen Palmieri uses a time-saving digital tool to create quick and concise visual instructions. Show students how to share a document, use an add-on, find an online resource and much more. Kathie outlines the basics and recommends a good YouTube how-to video.

6 Stances That Promote True Writing Revision

The many Aha! moments in Chris Hall’s The Writer’s Mindset will lead the reader to reexamine classroom practices – from reimagining revision to building student self-awareness and much more. Literacy consultant Anne Anderson appreciates the activities that pack the book.

Celebrate with Staff as a Challenging Year Ends

The end of every school year is always frantic. Especially this year, plan year-end celebrations that reflect your school’s values and recognize everything the staff has done to assure a successful school year, recommend Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn.

6 Cool Tools Help Us Know Where Kids Are

One of the few silver linings to teaching in the pandemic has been a boost in teachers’ familiarity with and use of some pretty incredible tools, each designed to make it simple to gather evidence of learning with ease and efficiency. Curtis Chandler shares six favorites.

How Educators Can Reclaim Student Agency

Reading and writing experts Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher detail how to use essays, book clubs, poetry and digital composition to support student literacy and build student agency. Reviewer Helene Alalouf says your students will thank you for bringing the book’s ideas to class.

Engaging Students in Middle School Theater

At Kasey Short’s middle school, drama teacher Aaron Mize brings students together to experience the creation and the performance of theater. See step-by-step how the middle graders put together shadow puppetry, monologues, workshop-improv scenes, song in a box, and plays.

Kids Need Us to Keep These 25 Promises

What promises do we need to make (and keep) so that our students will truly believe they belong in our classrooms and will be safe and cared for there? Middle grades leaders Laurie Barron and Patti Kinney break down the 25 promises they feel have the most impact.