496 Search results

For the term "writing".

Writing in Class with Choice and Community

Are you looking for lesson plans and ideas to engage your students as they learn to be confident writers? Lisa Eickholdt and Patricia Vitale-Reilly offer a step-by-step plan to develop writing clubs with variations to keep community interest high all year, says Dawna Brandt.

Educating for Equity in the Wake of Injustice

Alyssa Hadley Dunn’s Teaching on Days After offers research and narratives on how teachers can respond equitably on days after cataclysmic events so that they and their students “reach the full measure of their humanity.” Sarah Cooper recommends Dunn’s pedagogical strategies.

Preparing Our Students to Be Digital Storytellers

Digital literacy leader Brett Pierce lays out the elements of digital storytelling and shows how students can take the lead in using digital tools to collaborate, think critically, problem solve, and present publicly, creating digital narratives around core curricular goals.

Using Mentor Texts to Integrate Teaching Goals

Pamela Koutrakos’ example-filled “Mentor Texts That Multitask” shows teachers how to design lessons that meet multiple instructional priorities. Sherry Liptak found it to be “a great fit for my professional bookshelf – though I think it will spend more time in my hands!”

Grow a Love for Reading with an Ocean of Books

Laura Robb has long championed the idea that reading and access to books are civil rights. In this story of turning around reluctant readers, the celebrated educator makes a powerful case that when kids have lots of book choices and lots of time to read in and out of school, they’ll become readers for life.

What Kids Gain When We Don’t ‘Teach’ Books

Choice in reading is about student autonomy and motivation. It’s especially effective with kids who don’t like to read. Stephanie Farley’s well-honed system lets 8th graders read any text they choose AND meets standards – even though they never all read the same book.