Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

Helping Students Believe They Can Learn

Teacher Kathee Lamberies finds High Expectations Teaching by Jon Saphier a good read for teachers looking to better themselves professionally and learn about how to impart the growth mindset to students. Also a book study candidate for a PLC or staff development.

Peer Power: Get More from Group Work

Research leaves little doubt that strategic use of groups and teams boosts achievement for most students, says teacher educator Curtis Chandler. Learn about the key elements of group work and several digital tools that make forming groups flexible and efficient.

Page-to-Stage Writing Workshop for Students

After using Page-to-Stage Writing Workshop for Students with her 7th graders, ELA teacher Nicole Waychol is convinced that once you read the book, author Kwame Alexander is going to have you saying “yes.” Yes to jazz. Yes to writing. Yes to poetry. Yes to publishing.

Leading with Focus Will Improve Schools

Emphasizing content-rich curriculum, traditional literacy activities, and soundly structured lessons, Mike Schmoker’s “Leading with Focus” provides a guide for teacher leaders, principals, and others that can improve student achievement, says principal Matt Renwick.

Four Myths about Rigor in the Classroom

Rigor is more than what you teach. It’s how you teach and how students show you they understand. After dispelling widely held myths about rigor in the classroom, author Barbara Blackburn describes a standards-friendly environment that supports rigorous learning and student success.