354 Search results

For the term "Language Arts Resources".

Narrative Writing Ideas Built on Mentor Texts

Sean Ruday’s practical ideas and teaching strategies for narrative writing should reduce the stress levels of writing teachers all across the country, writes consultant Anne Anderson. To speed things along, he has included excerpts from the mentor texts he features.

Teaching Science with Engaging Picture Books

“Perfect Pairs” uses fiction and nonfiction life science books to promote inquiry learning in grades 3-5. The 20 richly detailed, standards-aligned lessons can help any teacher engage students in exploration, fact-gathering and deduction, says 4th grade veteran Linda Biondi.

Every Child a Super Reader with 7 Strengths

Every Child a Super Reader can empower students to become lovers of reading who understand what they read. Teacher Linda Biondi says its lessons and resources will help students analyze a text, appreciate the craft, and become voracious consumers of the written word.

If, When and How to Use Video in the Classroom

Curtis Chandler can’t help but worry a bit about the ‘video-fication’ of our students. Is academic progress being hindered by excessive and ineffective video use? He identifies best practices and several tech tools that can help make sure videos augment learning.

Challenging ELA Activities & Extensions

Gifted and advanced fifth graders will find the four units in this book – fiction and nonfiction – packed with graphic organizers, tech, and student discourse. Each unit focuses on a text exemplar. Instructional coach Donna Wall says the units provide suitable rigor.