Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

Ways to Go Gradeless in a School That Grades

Arguing that grades not only limit learning but can actually interfere with it, Starr Sackstein makes the case in “Hacking Assessment” for going gradeless and shows how it can be part of a traditional grading school. Teacher Marek Dzianott agrees it works well with PBL.

5 Simple Principles Can Help Engage Families

Steven M. Constantino leads school and district teams through a process of building a culture that welcomes and engages students’ families, says veteran teacher Cindy Purdy. She suggests that individual teachers can also apply some of the author’s key ideas.

From Student Apprentice to Published Writer

Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson believes every writing teacher needs Meigs-Kahlenberg’s The Author’s Apprentice, whether to expand their thinking of what writing can be or to put a year’s worth of strategies and ideas into action now. Writing novels with 7th graders?!