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Creating Your Dream Elementary Classroom

Wondering how to set up your new classroom? Or just ready to make some changes in your familiar space? Creating Your Dream Elementary Classroom is the book for you, writes teacher educator Linda Biondi. It’s filled with ideas from pros to benefit newbies and vets in grades K-6.

Want Classroom Equity? Seek and Value Diversity

Low expectations and inequitable classrooms persist in many of America’s public schools, writes Regie Routman, author of Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence and Equity for All Learners. Here’s what Routman believes educators must do to address this moral dilemma.

Own It: Strategies to Transform Our Teaching

We ask our students to “step up” and own their work. Now it’s time for us to “step up to the challenge.” Whether you are a novice or a veteran, Alex Kajitani’s book will be your guide to continuing your passion for teaching by helping you “own it,” writes Linda Biondi.

Here’s Why Our School Loves to Read So Much

Students who love to read: that’s our goal! Rita Platt’s school makes open library access a top priority, with impressive results. She spent eight years as librarian before becoming principal and shares proven ideas to create an efficient and flexible kid-led operation.

Quick Writes to Kindle Kids’ Hearts and Minds

In SPARK!, a book about quick writes, Paula Bourque offers a powerful teaching tool to help students find ideas, discover their voices and build confidence about writing. Teacher educator Linda Biondi notes the frequent, low-stakes writing can stretch across content areas.

Dr. Borba’s Blueprint for Bullying Prevention

No single practice stops cruelty, but a combination of proven strategies used by committed staff trained in anti-bullying will maximize impact. Michele Borba outlines six rules that can help defeat the culture of bullying and replace it with the power of character.