Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

Do We Really Know How to Teach Argument?

Many teachers are not well equipped to teach “argument” and prepare students for assessments that require them to build an effective claim. Author and consultant Erik Palmer deconstructs current efforts to teach persuasive writing and offers better solutions.

10 Lessons about Life, Literacy and Learning

Literacy consultant Regie Routman’s determination to interact meaningfully with her teen granddaughter led her to take up tennis again. Her 10 takeaways apply to life on the court and in the classroom, including the value of joy and the necessity for follow-through.

How Concept Maps Help Deepen Learning

Concept mapping is one of those underutilized but potentially powerful tools than can deepen learning and teaching significantly. In his new MiddleWeb blog, Class Apps, teacher educator Curtis Chandler shares three online mapping tools to get students started.

Building a Common Core-Based Curriculum

Susan Udelhofen’s discussion of mapping is very useful for identifying the process of curriculum building, with each step outlined in sufficient detail to provide clear and explicit direction. Kathy Foster recommends it to any district developing its curriculum.

Principalship from A to Z: A Book for All Leaders

In “The Principalship from A to Z” Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn offer a detailed, practical resource that works as PD as well as an effective manual to help all educators navigate the challenges of leadership, says assistant principal Mike Janatovich.

How Do We Assess Students’ Digital Work?

Assessing Students’ Digital Writing provides teachers with a clear path to examine the compositional moves of young writers working with various media in a way that makes sense to the teachers and still gives meaningful feedback for kids, says Kevin Hodgson.

Effective Differentiation in Grades 7 and Up

Educators who read “Best Practices at Tier 1” will look at curriculum differently, says ELA teacher Mark Domeier. With its tight focus on grades 7-12, the book clarifies how differentiation can work in classes characterized by student collaboration and group work.

Campaign Advertising: The Image Is Everything

If there is one thing that will influence voters more than anything else during Campaign 2016, it is the image. More than ever, what the voters see, not what they hear, has become paramount in getting elected. Frank Baker shares ad techniques students need to know.

Use PBL to Role-Play in the Real World

We always hear about the “real world” vs. the world in school. Project Based Learning helps to break down that barrier and better merges the two. It’s also undeniably engaging and lures kids into rigorous learning, as in Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s “Invention Unit.”