Teaching and learning in grades 4-8
Educators are going to make mistakes, write Todd Whitaker and teacher-daughters Madeline and Katherine. Whether it’s a misstep with students, friction with a colleague, or a faux pas with admin, quickly admitting faults is part of being a classroom professional.
At the heart of Differentiated Lessons is the desire to assist educators in embedding a self-reflective learning process in the classroom while providing students in all subjects continual opportunities to individualize their learning, says ELA teacher Jennifer Wirtz.
John Spencer’s book on tools for language acquisition will likely be most useful to teachers who are new to working with ELLs but not new to using technology in their lessons. ESL educator Susan Schwartz would have liked fuller explanations for various strategies.
Even well-organized leaders have trouble keeping schools running smoothly when team members fail to adequately manage busy schedules or make poor choices about priorities. Expert Maia Heyck-Merlin recommends five coaching techniques that can turn things around.
In Sarah Cooper’s never-ending effort to reach beyond textbook basics, she sometimes asks students to read a selection from a scholarly journal article or popular history book. Carefully sharing a JSTOR piece on Sherman’s March helped students grasp “total war.”
Elizabeth Stein offers resources to support the rejuvenation educators need to enjoy, learn, grow, and relax this summer. Once refreshed and centered, co-teachers can look ahead to the new school year by tapping into UDL guidelines and planning tools & templates.
Troublemakers. Forgetters. The Clingers. The Confused. Barbara Blackburn looks at how we often jump to conclusions and miss chances to build trust, explore the needs behind the behaviors, and help students grow. Once we jump, she warns, it’s hard to jump back.
In the valuable book Infusing Grammar into the Writer’s Workshop, Amy Benjamin and Barbara Golub make an effective team, says special ed teacher Marci Warboys. Benjamin focuses on research and pedagogy and Golub provides detailed lesson plans and resources.
DIY Literacy by Kate and Maggie Roberts is not only a how-to book on designing visual learning tools but also a source of advice on implementing them in the classroom. It has just what lead teacher Sandy Wisneski needs to augment her lack of artistic talent.
Laura Robb, author, teacher, literacy coach, speaker and expert in literacy, has done it again in The Reading Intervention Toolkit. Reviewer Linda Biondi says the book will guide teachers in providing help for students who need it most: struggling readers.