1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Let Your Students Figure Out Their Misconceptions

Instead of giving middle graders the right answer after they cling tenaciously to their misconceptions, devise processes that lead them to discover the fallacies on their own. Literacy interventionist Kelly Owens shares some cross-curricular tools and strategies that can help.

How Can We Create a Dynamic Classroom?

Serena Pariser and Victoria Lentfer answer teachers’ questions about how best to establish dynamic classrooms, offering practical ways to build routines, minimize off-task behaviors, and engage students in truly meaningful ways. A great resource, says NBCT Kathie Palmieri.

Sticky Techniques to Teach Academic Words

Traditional vocabulary strategies are passive exercises that have little impact in the long run, write Lynne Dorfman and Aileen Hower. Students need lots of exposure to a word before they can fully understand and apply it. They need frequent, engaging and meaningful encounters with words.

Add Comics and Graphic Novels to All Classes

Using engaging strategies and many examples, teacher Tim Smyth makes a convincing case for viewing comics and graphic novels as literacy tools, helping build reading and critical thinking skills. Kevin Hodgson is glad that Smyth also shows how kids can create their own comics.

Deepen Student Learning with Flip’s Video Magic

Learn how middle grades teacher and NBCT Kathie Palmieri is using the upgraded and rebranded Flip video tool (formerly Flipgrid) on a daily basis to engage her students, show quick lesson reviews, and get them talking about what they did and didn’t understand. Helpful tips included.