496 Search results

For the term "writing".

Try Café Conversations for Deeper Learning

Want a fun way to turn student talk into deeper learning? Teacher Kelly Owens serves up tips and resources for Café Conversations, showing how students’ need to talk can become on-task, productive, and reflective when they encounter this welcoming cross-curricular strategy.

Answers to Questions Reading Teachers Ask

Christina Nosek, a teacher and literacy staff developer, engages readers with a collection of important concepts with answered questions on the foundation of the reading classroom. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton says the easy read is great for a summer professional reading stack.

Keys to Questioning for Formative Feedback

Questioning for Formative Feedback by Jackie Acree Walsh is full of insightful, thought provoking, and practical ways to infuse a classroom with formative questioning, encourage dialogue, and lead to deeper learning for students. A great professional learning adventure!

The Why and How of Classroom Writing Clubs

The authors invite us into classrooms that foster choice, collaboration and community through writing clubs. Discover the how-to of complement clubs (process, craft, digital) and stand-alone clubs (genre, author, convention). A super resource, says MS teacher Katie Durkin.

Student Centered and Asset Based Assessment

When we incorporate literacy assessments that honor students’ assets and identities, we take an essential step toward creating an inclusive classroom that values students’ cultures and centers them in their learning. Teacher educators Sean Ruday and Katie Caprino show how.

Read Like a Reader, Read Like a Writer

Teacher-author Jacob Chastain has found a process and procedure that’s essential in his workshop approach to teaching literacy. He helps middle schoolers develop the habits of “reading like a reader” and “reading like a writer” – shifting into either mode with powerful results.

Real or Imagined Lives: Teaching Moon Knight

While comics may not be an immediate go-to for all educators, they are a rich source of adolescent reader engagement. Teachers who are willing to linger with text and images to build conversations will discover their potential for literacy instruction, says Dr. Jason DeHart.

Restoring Momentum After a Turbulent Year

After another school year weighed down by a wide range of challenges, education consultants Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn offer school-based leaders a path to restore momentum in their school and revitalize their community’s commitment to a collaborative vision.