Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

When Puzzled Teacher Meets Troubled Kid

Figuring out what’s going on with a child emotionally and behaviorally is the practice of counselors and therapists. But the classroom teacher often sees problems first. Psychotherapist Noah Kempler suggests things to consider when a student’s behavior shifts.

Use Text Sets to Spark Unstoppable Learning

Thematic text sets that tap into the social worlds and narrative driven lives of adolescents can spark “unstoppable learning,” say literacy educators Katie and Chris Cunningham, who share several text-set examples and a 10-step process for building your own.

Renewable Energy for Teachers & Students

“Renewable Energy: Discover the Fuel of the Future,” packs in activities & learning for teachers and students. STEM coordinator Emily Anders says it’s “a must-have resource” for teachers who want to add project learning to their lessons on energy sources.

Engaging Students: From Seatwork to Feetwork

Learning needs to become active and stay that way. Ron Nash’s 2nd edition of “From Seatwork to Feetwork” explains how teachers can let go of traditional teaching methods and shift to student-directed classrooms, says educator and writer Mary Langer Thompson.

Leading Teams: How to Avoid “Groupthink”

“Groupthink” can happen if team members are afraid of the consequences of sharing their real thoughts and feelings. When divergent thinking is left of of the school improvement discussion, writes leadership coach Elena Aguilar, positive and lasting change isn’t likely to occur.

Principals: Teaming with Families & Community

Involving parents and families in a partnership with schools has a positive impact on students. What can principals do to ensure the partnership is sustained, vibrant and diverse? Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn suggest strategies to build connections.