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How Feedback Can Be More Kid-Friendly

Rubrics are important tools, says author and veteran MS educator Elyse Scott, but teachers need a more whole-student approach to formative assessment and feedback — one that attends “to that most basic need of young adolescents: one-on-one communication.”

Differentiation to Engage All Learners

Differentiation in Middle & High School: Strategies to Engage All Learners is designed to be used! No matter one’s level of experience with differentiation, this book offers classroom-tested strategies that can be easily implemented to engage all students.

Triptiks Can Rev Up Student-Driven Learning

Remember AAA’s Triptiks – the travel resource kits put together for members? If so, you have some inkling of consultant Mike Fisher’s idea to rev up mid-grades curriculum across content areas by having students create their own project-specific learning journeys.

A Lively History Activity for Presidents’ Day

When U.S. history teachers Jody Passanisi and Shara Peters celebrate Presidents’ Day, all 43 presidents are featured. Eighth graders research and assume the identity of an assigned president, then campaign in costume for reelection among 6th & 7th grade “voters.”

How to Make Genius Hour Happen

In The Genius Hour Guidebook Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi make the case for sharing Genius Hour with your students, explaining why it works and how to bring it alive for your classes. Educator Sandy Wisneski says the easy read is packed with resources.

Say NO to Silos in Your STEM Program

STEM courses don’t belong in silos. Anne Jolly recommends bringing science, technology, engineering and math together in class to help students understand how the disciplines work together in the real world. She includes questions to pose about your STEM program.

The Super Bowl That Is My Classroom

4th grade teacher and NFL fan Mary Tarashuk has been watching lots of football lately, prepping for the Super Bowl. Given her love of metaphors, it’s no surprise she finds some analogies between quarterbacks and teachers running plays in their classroom arenas.