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How Executive Function Links SEL/Academics

If students develop executive function skills – focus, planning and organizing, self-monitoring – classrooms will run more smoothly, there will be fewer interruptions and repetitions, and teachers will have successfully bridged the SEL/academics gap, writes Marilee Sprenger.

You May Be Surprised About This PBIS Info

Having volunteered for her district’s PBIS Tier I committee, Dina Strasser looks into the current viability of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports with help from a new federally funded meta-study. She finds lots that hasn’t worked but also some potential.

Introducing ChatGPT to Your Classroom

While there are many unknowns about the long-term impacts of ChatGPT on education, middle school teacher leader Kasey Short dives deep into the AI software’s potential for expanding teachers’ options and supporting student learning through prompts, writing, feedback, SEL and more.

Succeed with Students Who Need You Most

If you are teaching in a low-performing, high-poverty school, Eric Jensen’s Teaching with Poverty and Equity in Mind is a must read, writes Anne Anderson. Jensen begins with the process of teachers adopting an equity mindset and offers proven tools to support all students.

Lifting My Students Out of the Math Fact Fog

After reflecting on her students’ decline in fluently recalling math facts and the lapses in her teaching flow, Kathie Palmieri knew it was time to make changes. First up: involving students in uncovering the roadblocks and taking a week to try out their fog-lifting ideas.

What Does an Assistant Principal Do Again?

To make sure that kids, teachers, and families have what they need to be successful and joyful, Stephanie Farley details how assistant principals can show up, listen deeply, and chill out. To start, spend time with students during lunch and find ways to do some teaching.

5 Ideas to Add Comfort and Joy to Math Class

Middle grades math teacher Mona Iehl applies five of author Gholdy Muhammad’s strategies to unearth joy as her students experience the December classroom scramble. Mona suggests activities to help realize each strategy with your students. Try musical math and much more!

How to Boost Learning in the Non-Core Subjects

Every student deserves to be challenged in all areas of learning. Teaching coach Barbara Blackburn shows how rigor can enhance learning beyond the core content areas with examples from health, physical education, computer science, the performance arts and career technology.