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Bringing More Empathy into Your Classroom

Just like adults, our students will respond better when we offer an empathetic response to their situation. School psychologist Katelyn Oellerich relates the story of “Justin” as an example, highlights the Restorative Conversations process, and shares some helpful resources.

Ways We Can Spark Student Reflection

Self-evaluation does not happen magically, writes author and literacy consultant Lynne Dorfman. Students need to learn to reflect through practice. Dorfman shares some of her favorite ways to help students see the value of metacognition, goal-setting and assessing progress.

Knowing WHEN to Use Technology in Class

Suzanne Kelly and Elizabeth Dobler help us understand that technology, when used with intention, can help teachers augment instruction without letting it dictate what we do.They offer many tools and ideas to guide decision making as we integrate tech into our lesson plans.

Edupreneurs Share Their Side-Career Tips

In The Edupreneur’s Side Hustle Handbook Lisa Dunnigan, Tosha Wright and eight other educators relate how they’ve followed their passions, traveled a more challenging path, and developed profitable side gigs with success. Laura Von Staden recommends this easy-to-use book.

4 Keys to Engagement in Social Studies Class

Award-winning social studies teacher Ron Litz shares some of the ways he makes student voice a top priority in his history classroom – using teaching strategies that focus on engaging students with the past and allow them to demonstrate their learning in a variety of formats.

Empowering Our Kids to Motivate Themselves

Because motivation is intrinsic, the two words Debbie Silver finds essential are ‘Empower Them.’ The teaching coach and bestselling author shares ways to help students grow into self-directed learners, using constructive feedback as the tool to help them see their growth.