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For the term "information on cheap airline tickets phone number 1-800-299-7264".

Building a Foundation for In-Class Writing Clubs

Lisa Eickholdt and Patty Vitale-Reilly’s favorite student collaboration is the Writing Club – an opportunity for kids to write in authentic, engaging, and creative ways. They prepare a foundation for this work with read-alouds, feedback structures, partnering activities, and more.

The Educator’s Guide to Time Management

The first step to taking control of your time is making the effort, and educator Frank Buck’s “Get Organized Digitally!” provides the rungs of the ladder to get you there. Department chair Stephanie Choate says Buck inserts educator success stories in just the right places. Highly recommended.

How to Be a Proactive School Leader This Year

Consultants Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn counsel that dealing with change promptly, engaging actively in social media, and achieving work-life balance are central tasks that will help school leaders not only survive but also thrive as they run this year’s marathon.

How to Make Math Class Student Centered

Fresh teaching ideas engulf math teachers each fall. Which strategies take priority as we seek to help students have the best year ever? Teacher and coach Mona Iehl recommends three: build classroom community, review and augment resources, and select engaging lesson formats.

Plan Now to Respond to Trauma in Schools

Stephanie Filio’s Responding to Student Trauma: A Toolkit for Schools in Times of Crisis provides a well-developed framework for school personnel to handle four sources of trauma. AP Virginia Hornberger notes it is a good starting point to develop a crisis plan of action.

A Fresh Way to Engage Students in Research

The Multigenre Research Project approach lets students truly show their learning and mastery on any topic they choose to explore. Melinda Putz provides teachers across subject areas everything they need to help students go deeper than PBL, says MGRP user Erin Corrigan-Smith.

SEL Picture Books for Middle School Advisory

Providing consistent opportunities for students to learn about and practice social emotional skills in middle school advisory can aid in their behavioral and academic growth. Teacher Kasey Short suggests 14 read-aloud picture books with questions that can support that growth.