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For the term "Дизайн человека Clubhouse Дизайн человека в Клабхаусе генераторы проекторы манифесторы http://instagram.com/batmanapollo".

Launching a School Year in Uncertain Times

Amid the uncertainty facing teachers and principals this fall, Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn offer strategies to keep the safety of students and staff uppermost, to communicate often with your school community, and to sustain your school’s culture.

Our Vulnerable Learners Need Our Best Supports

Every child wants to be successful, but school can be a tough place for vulnerable students. To pull them into the success loop requires both an understanding of their plight and a willingness to fully support them with targeted strategies, writes Suzy Pepper Rollins.

Picture Books Help with Standards and Mastery

Jennifer Sniadecki and Jason DeHart dive deep into using picture books in upper level classrooms to meet state standards and increase student mastery. In this 3rd post on the topic they share examples, research, and stories from their own teaching experiences.

Sharing Your Expertise with the World

Jenny Rankin writes that sharing teachers’ individual wisdom and expertise with the world is necessary, and, more importantly, possible. Read Rankin’s book to feel encouraged and inspired in your quest to expand your impact on the world, says teacher-reviewer Kathleen Palmieri.

Can Genius Hour Help Improve the World?

Education isn’t about what the teacher does, it’s about what the child learns, write Genius Hour innovators Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi. Learning happens in every subject when students have a purpose and are given autonomy and time. And their learning can benefit the world.

This Social Studies Compendium Is a Keeper

The authors of the Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox have constructed a research-based “honest, human guide” to helping students understand and care about what they learn. You will dig through and dog-ear it, and your students will be the richer for it, writes Sarah Cooper.