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Re-envisioning Teacher Responses to Burnout

The increase in teacher burnout started well before the pandemic, author Patricia Jennings writes in “Teacher Burnout Turnaround.” Jennings’ strategies can help educators overcome and replace a worn-out education system, reading specialist and coach Ashley Falkos believes.

Helping History Students Think for Themselves

Jennifer Ingold wants her history students to make the connection between primary-source research and preparation for informed and civil disagreements. Learn about her MLK historical scene investigation activity and a virtual Black History Symposium among students in NY and FL.

Novels in Verse! The Why, Which and How

Novels in verse offer quicker reads with instant character connections, vivid imagery, pathways to complex issues, strong narratives, and much more. ELA teacher Kasey Short shares how to use them in class and introduces lots of titles for your middle graders.

Empower Refugee Kids with Reading Support

In “Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Supporting Our Immigrant and Refugee Children Through the Power of Reading,” principal Don Vu explores six conditions he believes are necessary to create a schoolwide culture of literacy that includes and engages all students.

Using Google Sheets to Track Student Data

Using Google Sheets is an efficient way to keep track of student data and meet other progress monitoring needs, writes NBCT Kathleen Palmieri. Once the initial set up is completed, you’ll find many uses for this quick data check that justify your time investment. Here’s how!

Supporting Long-Term Understanding of Math

In Making Math Stick, David Costello offers advice to help teachers make the shift from “teach, test, move on” to “teach, connect, apply.” His detailed learning and instructional strategies will help you deepen student knowledge and improve retention, writes Lisa Hudson.