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Why and How to Connect with Educators

Whitaker, Zoul and Casas show how to fit digital connections into an already busy life, along the way packing their new book with digital resources to make PLNs a source of professional growth and friendship. Digital immigrant Laura Von Staden highly recommends it.

Take Charge of Your Own PL This Summer!

Herding educators together for one-size-fits-all professional development often misses the mark of teachers’ real work, says Emily Vickery. Teachers now have tools to tailor their own professional learning “to maximize our growth.” Helpful resources included!

Three Questions New Teachers Always Ask

We asked teaching consultant Annette Breaux to write about three of the most pressing questions new teachers have in the weeks (and months) before they open their classroom doors to students for the first time. Here’s her advice on discipline, classroom management, and daily procedures.

50 Easy-to-Implement Reading Response Ideas

Easy to implement suggestions and detailed reading response lessons make educator Marilyn Pryle’s recent book a helpful addition to the Common Core ELA bookshelf. Reviewer Sandy Wisneski recommends its common-sense resources for modeling, assessing, and practice.